
SQL Server 2008 R2 新特性


Capitalize on Hardware Innovation

Increase in the number of logical processors supported from 64 up to 256. This will provide customers with more choices for obtaining single system scalability with high performance.

Optimize Hardware Resources

Dashboard viewpoints provide real-time insight into utilization and policy violations to help identify consolidation opportunities, maximize investments and maintain healthy systems.

Manage Efficiently at Scale

Through new extensions in SQL Server Management Studio, organizations will gain insights into their growing applications and databases and help ensure higher service levels through policies and dashboard viewpoints.

Enhance Collaboration Across Development and IT

Streamline Application Lifecycle Management through integration with Visual Studio. A new project type enables a single unit of management for packaging database schema with application requirements. This ensures higher quality application development while also accelerating deployments, moves, and changes over time.

Improve the Quality of Your Data

Centralized approach to defining, deploying, and managing master data can ensure reporting consistency across systems and deliver faster more accurate results across the enterprise.

Manage User-Generated Analytical Applications

Comprehensive management thru Microsoft SharePoint gives IT the ability to manage and secure all BI assets, thus freeing the original authors to focus on the priorities of the business.

Report with Ease

Decrease time and costs developing reports by giving users the ability to design their own queries, reports and charts through powerful and intuitive authoring and ad hoc reporting capabilities.

Get More Out of Your Data

New support for geospatial visualization can produce new insights and discoveries when geospatial data is combined with corporate data for reporting and analysis.

Build Robust Analytical Applications

With the in-memory analytics add-in for Microsoft Excel 2010, business users can quickly access, analyze and summarize vast amounts of data directly in Excel without the assistance of the IT department.

Consolidate Your Data

New “data mash up” capabilities will simplify time consuming data gathering and consolidation tasks. Integrate data from multiple sources, including corporate databases and external sources, using powerful tools within Microsoft Excel.

Share and Collaborate with Confidence

New collaboration tools make it easy to share analytic applications and reports through Microsoft Office SharePoint, where they are refreshed automatically, maintained, and made accessible to others.

1. 对多核CPU的支持加强,从原来的64核增加到了256核,这样可以提高原有系统的性能和增加扩展性.

2. Management Studio的新特性:
2.1 新向导将帮助DBA快速发现环境中的数据库并加入到集中管理;

2.2 DBA可以通过管理的目标服务器或者集中管理服务器的程序执行统一的期望阀值等政策;

2.3 仪表板(DashBoard)将提供实时图像,反映资源利用率和政策符合度,这些将帮助管理员发现系统需要加固的地方,最大化资源利用率及强化系统健康;

2.4 Visual Studio的整合

3. Master Data Services (MDS)

4. 对Excel2010 sharepoint 2010支持的增强;

5. Reporting Service 2008 R2增强,支持了更丰富的图形.